Cyberattacks and data breaches can cause serious disruptions to business, both internally and externally. They can cause the loss of revenue due to unhappy customers, legal action by regulatory agencies and reputational damage. It’s important to keep it in mind that a lot of these threats are preventable with the right security measures.
To ensure the security of its data, companies must adhere to specific laws and regulations. These laws and regulations may be specific to a particular region, such as GDPR in the EU or certain industries, like HIPAA in America. But they must be enforced no matter the size or extent of the company’s operations.
These rules and regulations often include things like encryption of sensitive information transmitted over public networks, protecting the security of employees through checking references or conducting background checks on prospective employees, and only collecting data essential to business processes. They also typically require encryption on devices like laptops and portable storage. They may also include an policy that prohibits the use of programs that are not approved by the company, as this can increase the risk of malware and data breaches.
Furthermore, businesses must be aware of the entire lifecycle of data and the process by which it travels through the network. This can be accomplished by using data maps, which can reveal how data was delivered to the company as well as where it’s currently located and who has access to it. It is also essential to only collect information that is required to fulfill the purpose of the business and not to keep it longer than is necessary, as this decreases the risk of an attack on data. Zero Trust architecture could be an effective strategy for companies to fight security, since it enforces a premise that states you should never consider a device or user until they have been checked.